Jozef Vincenc Obona
About Jozef
About Jozef
Jozef Vincenc Obona is Product Marketing Director for the semiconductor market segment at TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING HQ in Brno, Czech Republic. He holds a Ph.D. in cryo-electronics from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia). He has been active in semiconductor failure analysis (FEOL, BEOL and packaging applications) for more than 6 years. He has gained over 13 years of experience in FIB-SEMs and 5
years in ultra-short laser pulse processing in applied research at Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (Zaragoza, Spain) as well as University of Groningen and University of Twente (Groningen, Enschede, The Netherlands). He is the author of 3 patents and 52 publications.
years in ultra-short laser pulse processing in applied research at Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (Zaragoza, Spain) as well as University of Groningen and University of Twente (Groningen, Enschede, The Netherlands). He is the author of 3 patents and 52 publications.