
09/11/2024 - 09/13/2024 -All Day

Location: MOA Berlin

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The 10th annual IEEE Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC 2024) is scheduled to take place in Berlin from September 11-13, 2024 at the MOA Berlin Hotel. The conference is chaired by Dr. Tanja Braun from Fraunhofer IZM and will cover a multitude of subjects relating to system-integration from optoelectronic systems packaging to THz system packaging.

The conference invites paper and poster presentations, encouraging submissions with abstracts of up to 500 words by March 1st, 2024. The submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. The topics cover a broad spectrum, including Advanced Packaging, Materials for Interconnects and Packaging, Optoelectronic Systems Packaging, Assembly and Manufacturing Technologies, Design Tools and Modeling, Power Electronics System Packaging, Advanced Technologies for Emerging Systems, Reliability of Electronic Devices and Systems, Flexible, Printed and Hybrid Electronics, and RF, mm-wave, and THz Systems Packaging.

Conference papers will be published in the proceedings and made accessible in the IEEE Xplore database after the event. The conference also offers sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for companies and organizations looking to enhance their visibility in the electronics packaging and system integration industry. 

For detailed information on abstract submission, conference topics, proceedings, and sponsorship/exhibition opportunities can be found on the conference website: https://www.estc-conference.net/