If you had been a fly on the wall in my office last week, you would have seen more than one performance of my happy dance. After all, watching an idea come to life is nothing short of intoxicating. Little by little, 3D InCites is evolving into what we initially envisioned. What we’ve created is not just a place to post our observations and coverage of events and news, but rather a place to encourage knowledge-sharing and to incite interest in 3D integration and packaging technologies among those directly involved.

It looks like we might be on to something. By the simple introduction of an interactive discussion forum last week, we increased our membership by almost half in 5 days, not to mention those who merely were silent observers. The discussion with Alchimer execs so far has been viewed over 900 times. Depending on the day, our traffic increased between 38 and 48% in comparison to the previous 30 days. The greatest thing by far was the participation in the discussion by the attendees. We’re looking forward to even more participation, as we talk about supply chain strategies for 3D integration with Ultratech’s Manish Ranjan. This is definitely something to cheer about.

As the conference circuit gets rolling for fall, I’m expecting more than one report back from the trenches — for example from SEMICON Taiwan, IEEE 3D Systems Integration Conference, the International KDG Packaging and Test Workshop, SEMICON Europa, etc — which will be featured in From Different Dimensions. I’ll be dusting off the ole passport myself this weekend, headed off to IMEC’s annual research reviews press event. So next week, I’ll be posting live from Leuven, Belgium. And later in October, I’ll be taking the Tour de France in 3D, visiting 5 companies who are deeply involved in developing processes and tools for 3D IC Integration. More details on that to come.

Of course new adventures just aren’t as exciting without a few hair-raising moments. It’s funny, the things that bring feelings of panic. Things like, sending out a member-wide announcement that has a broken link, forcing you to send it out again and hoping that the members don’t get annoyed by repeat emails. (I apologize, and hopefully those instances will be few and far between.)

Needless to say proverbial snowball has started down the mountain, and yes, I am doing the happy dance just thinking about it.– F.v.T.

Francoise von Trapp

They call me the “Queen of 3D” because I have been following the course of…

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