The IEEE Photonics Conference, previously known as the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, offers technical presentations by the world’s leading scientists and engineers in the areas of lasers, optoelectronics, optical fiber networks, and associated lightwave technologies and applications. It also features compelling plenary talks on the industry’s most important issues, weekend events aimed at students and young photonics professionals, and a manufacturer’s exhibition.
More than 600 people from industry, academia and government gather for IEEE Photonics Conference, to a part of the latest results on technologies and applications where quantum electronic devices involving light are key elements, including: Biophotonics, Displays and Lighting, High Power / Intensity Sources, Microwave Photonics, Nanophotonics, Non-Linear and Ultrafast Optics, Optical Communications, Optical Fiber Technology, Optical Interconnects, Optical Networks and Systems, Photodetectors, Sensors, Systems and Imaging, Photonic Integration and Packaging, Photonic Materials Science and Technology, Semiconductor Lasers.
Featured Topics & Events
Special Symposium on Optical Data Storage
Special Symposium on Optogenetics
Special Symposium on The Internet of Things
Past General Chair
Dalma Novak, Pharad LLC, USA
David V. Plant, McGill University, Canada
Susumu Noda, Kyoto University, Japan
Martin Dawson, University of Strathclyde, UK
Registration for technical sessions is open to all members of the scientific and technical community. It is incumbent on the authors to obtain appropriate approval to present their work to this international forum.