The European semiconductor packaging community, together with its international colleagues, supply chain partners, customers and guests met for a full week fully dedicated to Semiconductor Packaging, Assembly and Test from September 9-13, 2024, at Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin and with it depicted the largest Packaging event in Europe in 2024. 3D InCites was Media Partner of both events.

Complementing each other, the 3rd SEMI EuroPAT-Workshop (September 9-10, with 75 attendees) focused on manufacturing and supply chain, while the 10th IEEE Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC) (September 11-13, with 430 attendees) focused on new developments, roadmaps and emerging technologies emblazed from both the academic and industrial side. This perfect combination underlines tge required close collaboration needed in times of the EU Chips Act.
The EuroPAT-Workshop is organized by ESiPAT-TC, the European Chapter of the SEMI-integrated Packaging, Assembly and Test – Technology Community (SiPAT-TC), a special interest group under the umbrella of SEMI. It always takes place at or close to a company that offers electronics packaging manufacturing services in Europe. This year, Swissbit Germany AG in Berlin- Marzahn was the Industrial Host of the workshop.
Information meetings and guided line tours took place at its new 2.600 m² production line, which opened in November 2019 for COB and SMT manufacturing. According to Swissbit’s portfolio, this facility has a monthly capacity of up to 3 million units. While having been an IDM and ODM running captive business, Swissbit is preparing to open its packaging, assembly and test capabilities and capacities, offering OSAT services to third parties.
Takeaways from the EuroPAT-Workshop
The highlights of the full-day workshop were:
- Summary of the European funded Chips-JU CSA Pack4EU project results: “Packaging in Europe – Growing or Vanishing?” – with recommendations to the policy makers
- Overview on regional activities, chances for packaging in Europe
- Updates from European OSATs, SPAT-SPs, and supply chain partners’ opportunities and plans in context with EU Chips Act
- Panel discussion about funding opportunities and the required improvement of the interface between RTOs and industry, which as of today is characterized by a technology transfer gap.
Key Takeaways from ESTC 2024

The ESTC is the biennial European flagship conference of and organized by IEEE EPS (Electronics Packaging Society). This year marked the 10th conference, which was a resounding success, marking a significant milestone in the field of advanced packaging and system integration. The three-day event attracted 430 delegates (58% industrial and 42% academic) from 27 countries, bringing together professionals with diverse expertise in technology development and industrial management. Attendees contributed to the event with four keynote speeches, 117 oral presentations, and 46 posters, sharing their extensive knowledge and insights during sessions and networking opportunities. The conference highlights were:
- 3 Professional Development Courses
- 4 Keynotes, Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) Workshop
- Panel Discussion on “Chiplets for Automotive”, 5 Special Sessions (EU Chips Act, IPCEI ME/CT, Education, Photonic Packaging, and Quantum Technologies)
- More than 50 exhibitors and Table Top presentations, University Corner with 5 European universities or groups of universities active in electronics packaging

Memorable highlights of the EuroPAT-Workshop and ESTC were the social evening events on Monday night and Thursday night. Both provided great places for informal talks and networking. Attendees of the EuroPAT Workshop enjoyed a dinner cruise on the river Spree with barbeque from the restaurant “Capt’n Schillow”. The ESTC dinner took place at the iconic “Wasserwerk”, where attendees enjoyed fine dining amidst the breathtaking views of the illuminated historical water pump station.
Stay tuned for 4th SEMI EuroPAT-Workshop in 2025 – Grenoble, France, and the 11th IEEE ESTC in 2026 – Helsinki, Finland.
Cover Image: Steffen Kröhnert, President & Founder of ESPAT-Consulting and 3D InCites Representative in Europe talked in the Special Session on EU Chips Act and IPCEI ME/CT about the future of Packaging in Europe