Based on the experience acquired through several partnerships and collaborative projects, SET, company based in the French Alps, has developed a brand-new equipment dedicated on Die-to-Wafer (D2W) hybrid bonding, with ± 1 µm post-bond accuracy in stand-alone or full automatic mode. Combining high precision, flexibility and very short cycle time, it is perfectly suitable for hybrid / direct bonding processes. Tested and qualified in CEA-Leti cleanrooms in Grenoble, France, in the frame of IRT Nanoelec 3D program, the NEO HB has permitted to harvest very promising results, presented in several conferences, demonstrating industrialization of the D2W approach in direct and hybrid bonding. Since the commercial launching, sales of NEO HB have been done, and further development are still ongoing to improve the equipment. A JDP has recently been signed with SÜSS MicroTec, Germany, to propose a fully integrated turn-key solution for the manufacturing of tomorrow dies.