S3IP brings together teams of experts from industry and the University to address pressing real-world problems in the systems integration and manufacturing of electronics. Our research centers focus on topics related to electronics packaging, flexible electronics, energy-efficient data centers and energy harvesting and storage. S3IP, now celebrating its first decade as a New York State Center of Excellence, and its constituent research centers have contributed more than $1 billion in economic impact to New York State since 1996.
Binghamton University, the premier public university in the Northeast, is home to S3IP. We have a new $30 million building with unique laboratories and conference facilities at the University's Innovative Technologies Complex. Our PhD-level staff members and affiliated faculty are ready to assist companies in New York State and beyond with collaborative problem solving. S3IP's team tackles projects and addresses industry-driven research needs with efforts that may last a few hours or span several years, according to our partners' needs and interests.